On his website MichaelConnelly.com, he just published a list of acronyms used by police. If you read or write crime fiction (and I'm a big Michael Connelly fan), this is a great little reference.
And while you're at it, if you have not read any of Michael Connelly's books, by all means do so. His characters are fascinating. The writing is spot-on. And as a lawyer, I appreciate the fact that he's one of the few crime/legal thriller writers who gets the law right.
If you're starting out on Connelly's books, my suggestions for starting points: The Lincoln Lawyer (2005), the first in a great series about criminal defense lawyer Mickey Haller (made into a movie staring Matthew McConaughey); Concrete Blonde (1994), the third book of Connelly's quentisential detective Harry Bosch, and the Blood Work (1998), the first of three books featuring FBI agent Terry McCaleb (and a Clint Eastwood movie). But you can pick up any Michael Connelly book and you'll be hooked.
Here's the list:
187 | California Penal Code for Murder |
187 LEO | California Penal Code for Murder of a Law Enforcement Officer |
3056 | California Penal Code for Parole Hold |
5150 | California Penal Code for Mentally Unstable |
51 Reports | Citizen Complaint Files |
51s | Investigative Chronology reports |
ACU | Asian Crimes Unit |
ADW | Assault with a Deadly Weapon |
AFIS | Automated Fingerprint Identification System |
AFS | Automated Firearm System |
AG | Attorney General |
AGU | Asian Gang Unit |
ATF | Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms |
BAM | By Any Means |
BANG | Boulevard Anti-Narcotics Group |
BAR | Bureau Assistance Request form |
BOLO | Be on the Lookout |
BOR | Board of Rights |
BPO | Black Peace Officers |
BSS | Behavioral Science Section |
CAPs | Crimes Against Persons |
CCB | Criminal Courts Building |
CHP | California Highway Patrol |
CI | Confidential Informant |
CIR | Critical Incident Report |
CLET | Clandestine Laboratory Enforcement Team |
CO | Commanding Officer |
Code Seven | Out of Service, On A Break, Off Duty |
Code Three | Lights And Sirens, Emergency |
Code Two | Respond As Soon As Possible |
CODIS | Combined DNA Index System |
CP | Command Post |
CR | Chronological Record |
CRA | Community Redevelopment Agency |
CRASH | Community Resources Against Street Hoodlums |
CRT | Crime Response Team |
CUBA | Conduct Unbecoming An Attorney |
CUBO | Conduct Unbecoming An Officer |
DA | District Attorney |
DB | Dead Body |
DCFS | Department of Children and Family Services |
DDs | Due Diligence reports |
DEA | Drug Enforcement Agency |
DL | Drivers License |
DMV | Department of Motor Vehicles |
DNA | Do Not Approach |
DOB | Date of Birth |
DOJ | Department of Justice |
DP | Deployment Period |
DPS | Department of Public Services |
DPSS | Department of Public Social Services |
DYS | Division of Youth Services |
EE | Electrostatic Enhancement |
ERT | Emergency Response Team |
ESB | Evidence Storage Building |
ESD | Evidence Storage Division |
FBI | Federal Bureau of Investigation |
FI | Field Interview |
FO | Field Office |
GBI | Great Bodily Injury |
GIU | Gang Intelligence Unit |
GOSD | Gang and Operations Support Division |
GRIT | Gang Related Information Tracking |
GSR | Gunshot Residue |
IAD | Internal Affairs Division |
IED | Improvised Explosive Device |
Interpol | International Criminal Police Organization |
IO | Investigating Officer |
IR | Interview Room |
ISL | Involuntary Stress Leave |
K-9 Jacket | Keep Away Status in jail |
KAs | Known Associates |
LAFD | Los Angeles Fire Department |
LAPD | Los Angeles Police Department |
LWP | Life Without Parole |
MCT | Mobile Computer Terminal |
MDT | Mobile Digital Terminal |
ME | Medical Examiner |
MPPD | Monterey Park Police Department |
NCIC | National Crime Information Center, National Crime Index Computer |
O3 | Office of Operations |
OC | Organized Crime |
OCID | Organized Crime Intelligence Division |
OCP | Office of the Chief of Police |
OCU | Organized Crime Unit |
OD | Overdose |
OHS | Office of Homeland Security |
OIR | Original Incident Report |
OIS | Officer Involved Shooting |
One-K-Twelve | radio designation for an RHD Homicide Detective |
OP | Observation Point |
OPG | Official Police Garage |
OPR | Office of Professional Responsibility |
OT | Overtime |
PAB | Public Administration Building |
PC | Probable Cause |
PCD | Probable Cause Detention |
PDU | Public Disorder Unit |
PI | Private Investigator |
RAT | Radiological Attack Team |
REACT | Rapid Response Enforcement and Counterterrorism |
RHD | Robbery-Homicide Division |
RO | Reporting Officer |
ROD | Relieved of Duty |
ROR | Released On Own Recognizance |
RTC | Return To Custody |
RTD | Return To Duty |
SID | Scientific Investigation Division |
SIS | Special Investigation Section |
Staff Two | radio designation for Assistant Chief of Police |
Ten-Seven | Dinner Break, Out of Service, Home |
T & L report | Time and Location, Alibi Sheet |
TOD | Time of Death |
Twenty | Subject’s Home |
Two-Six | Forthwith From the Chief’s Office |
UM | Unfit Mother |
UNSUB | Unknown Subject |
VICAP | Violent Criminal Apprehension Program |
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